Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The Laboratorio Industrial Farmacéutico Sociedad del Estado (LIF) is a company in the province of Santa Fe (Argentina), in which the state has full ownership.
LIF was installed in 1947 to provide for pharmacies in public hospitals, as an answer to the new health policies of the national government and in 1987, it was officially created by Provincial Congress. 
The laboratory is a State Society of Santa Fe as from 1999, due to Provincial Law Nº 11.657. 
Today, there are more than 130 highly specialized staff members who are trained under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) regulations. The products, areas of production and quality control also meet GMP requirements.
LIF produces different medicines for primary healthcare in Santa Fe. Also, LIF provides medicines to the National Health Ministry. LIF specializes in Beta-lactam drugs and it is the first state laboratory to have a contraceptive hormonal brand.
LIF production site has different areas of production:
- Beta-lactam tablets; non Beta-lactam tablets and Beta-lactam pediatric suspension under GMP standards and ANMAT’s approbation (ANMAT Regulation No. 8.080/11);
- Semi solid area (to produce permethrin cream) under Santa Fe province’s approbation.
- Development area.

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