Monday, July 3, 2017

Students of Industrial Engineering from UNL and UTN visited LIF

They received information about production of medicines and explored the facilities.

      The visitors were students from UNL and UTN* who participated in the “XXV Simultaneous Lecture for students of Industrial Engineering and related careers”. It was organized by Argentina Association of Students of Industrial Engineering and related careers.
     This activity was coordinated between LIF and the Association. It was included in the schedule of the Lecture.
     First, the students watched an institutional video about LIF.
     Then, they explored the different areas (Planification, Production, Quality Control and Storage) where they received information about all the activities that an industrial engineer can do in a laboratory of medicines such as: production, planification, logistics, delivery of medicines, audit, control and improvement of process.
     Finally, everybody joined for a lunch at the multiple use room.

*UNL and UTN: Universidad Nacional del Litoral y Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - National University of Litoral and National Technology University.