Wednesday, December 13, 2017

New LIF’s President

Santa Fe’s new Health Minister, Andrea Uboldi, is also the new LIF’s President.
     Since December 11, Andrea Uboldi is the new Santa Fe’s Health Minister. Since this day, she is automatically the new LIF’s President because the LIF’s Creation Law (No 11.657) expresses that attribute.
     Andrea Uboldi, is a pediatrician who specializes in infectious diseases.
     Since December 2007, she was the Provincial Director of Health Prevention and Promotion.
     In December 2016, she was named Sub Secretary of First and Second Level for Healthcare. She remained in this position until December 10, 2017.
     “We have important challenges in the short term such as the inauguration of the Santa Fe’s Centre of Medical Specialities, where we want to give a medical answer of quality for outpatients. It will be a solution for all specialities,” expressed Uboldi.
     “The inauguration of the new hospital in Reconquista and the new Iturraspe hospital in Santa Fe city will be our goal in the medium term as well as to continue making basic health care equipments along the province,” added Uboldi.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

LIF Received the 2017 Honorary Brigadier Award

LIF was honored with a honorary award. The ceremony was organized by Asociación de Dirigentes de Empresas (ADE*)

     Miguel González (Santa Fe province’s Health Minister and LIF’s Chairman);
     Carlos Arques, Diego Bruno, Jorge Stettler, and Guillermo Cleti (LIF’s Board of Directors); Guillermo Álvarez (LIF’s Trustee); and Roberto Ganin (LIF’s General Manager) participated in the ceremony of the Brigadier Awards.
     This activity was organized by ADE.
     In the last 42 years, ADE has wanted to recognise successful companies from Santa Fe province.
     In this opportunity, LIF received the Honorary Award for its important trajectory during the last 70 years.
     It was the first time in which ADE gave an award to a public institution.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

LIF Participated in the 8th Provincial Lecture of Nursing

The lecture was organized by UPCN*. LIF has an informative stand and donated meters of blood pressure and pulse oximeters.
     Nurses from Santa Fe province participated in the 8th Provincial Lecture of Nursing. In this occasion the slogan was: “Towards a new health model for those who work in care. Building tools for prevention and care”
     It took place at UPCN country club.
     Carlos Arques, Diego Bruno (LIF’s Directors) and Guillermo Álvarez (LIF’s Trustee) were present at the beginning of the lecture.
     LIF had a stand where staff gave information about public production of medicines.
     The schedule had different speakers and workshops where attendees could exchange information, knowledge and work experience.
     LIF donated 7 meters of blood pressure and 7 pulse oximeters between the attendees.
     Jorge Molina (UPCN’s General Secretary), Miguel González (Sante Fe province’s Health Ministry), César Colliard (UPCN’s Health Representative), and Élida Dal Lago (Santa Fe province’s Nursing Chief) participated in the closing ceremony.

*UPCN (Unión Personal Civil de la Nación): it is the labor union for provincial employees.

Santa Fe Province’s Government Delivered 25 Ambulances at LIF Headquarters


LIF headquarters was the host of this formal ceremony. 25 new ambulances will be incorporated to the SIES*. 

      The main objective of this activity was to strengthen the Net of Emergency and Transport, one important link at the provincial health system.
     The new ambulances was delivered to different cities and towns of Santa Fe province such as: Reconquista/Avellaneda (1), Villa Ocampo (1), Florencia (1), Rafaela (1), Tostado (1), Arrufó (1), Ambrosetti (1), Santa Fe (2), La Pelada (1), San Jerónimo del Sauce (1), Santo Domingo (1), Gobernador Crespo (1), Villa Amelia (1), Rosario (1), Villa Constitución (1), Cañada de Gómez (1), San Lorenzo (1), San Jorge (2), Maciel (1), Venado Tuerto (1), Rufino (1), Murphy (1), and Sancti Spiritu (1).
     Carlos Fascendini (Santa Fe province’s Vice Governor) and Miguel González (Santa Fe province’s Health Ministry) led the ceremony which took place at LIF’s headquarters.
     “These ambulances have all the equipment such as a mobile intensive care room and they are ready to be incorporated to the SIES*,” said Miguel González.
     Rodrigo Borla (Senator by San Justo department); Francisco Sánchez Guerra (Sub Secretary of Emergencies and Transportation); LIF’s Board of Directors; and authorities and staff of DIPAES(1) also participated at the ceremony.

*SIES: Sistema Integrado de Emergencias Sanitarias - Integrated System of Health Emergencies.
(1) DIPAES: Dirección Provincial de Accidentología y Emergencia Sanitaria - Provincial Direction of Accidentology and Health Emergency.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Students of Industrial Engineering from UNL and UTN visited LIF

They received information about production of medicines and explored the facilities.

      The visitors were students from UNL and UTN* who participated in the “XXV Simultaneous Lecture for students of Industrial Engineering and related careers”. It was organized by Argentina Association of Students of Industrial Engineering and related careers.
     This activity was coordinated between LIF and the Association. It was included in the schedule of the Lecture.
     First, the students watched an institutional video about LIF.
     Then, they explored the different areas (Planification, Production, Quality Control and Storage) where they received information about all the activities that an industrial engineer can do in a laboratory of medicines such as: production, planification, logistics, delivery of medicines, audit, control and improvement of process.
     Finally, everybody joined for a lunch at the multiple use room.

*UNL and UTN: Universidad Nacional del Litoral y Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - National University of Litoral and National Technology University.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Internal control at State Companies and Societies

LIF’s Directors and Trustee participated in a lecture organized by SIGEP*. Exchanging experiences, methodologies and the way of working were the main objectives. Public servants from different companies were present.

     LIF’s Directors Carlos Arques, Diego Bruno, Guillermo Cleti and Guillermo Álvarez (LIF’s Trustee) participated at the lecture “Internal Control at State Companies and Societies”. This activity was organized by General Syndicate of Santa Fe province. It took place on July, 1st at Professional Council of Economic Sciences - Santa Fe city.
     Emiliano Arzuaga (Santa Fe's General Trustee) and Mariano Cuvertino (Government Secretary of Santa Fe province) welcomed the attendees.
     Exchanging experiences, methodologies and the way of working between the different state companies were the main objectives.
     LIF SE; Radio y TV Santafesina; Empresa Provincial de Energía (EPE); Túnel Subfluvial; Aguas Santafesinas SA (ASSA) and Banco de Santa Fe - SAPEM were present.
     Alejandro Fabián Díaz (Audit Manager of Companies and Societies - National General Syndicate) delivered a lecture and then he also participated in a technical meeting with staff members of audit control of the different state institutions.

*SIGEP: “Sindicatura General de la Provincia”. General Syndicate (GS) is the internal control body of the provincial Government.

Civil servants from National Direction of SIDA and ETS visited LIF

LIF’s Directors held a meeting in which they exchanged information. After meeting, they explored the different facilities.
     LIF’s Directors Carlos Arques, Diego Bruno and Guillermo Cleti; Guillermo Álvarez (LIF’s Trustee) and Roberto Ganin (LIF’s General Manager) welcomed Ariel Adaszko (Coordinator of Study and Control Area of National Direction of SIDA and ETS); Luciana Angueira (National Program of Control of Leprosy and Tuberculosis) and Jesse Maid (Physician Adviser of the Direction).
     The National Direction of SIDA and ETS approach illnesses such us: VIH, SIDA, Sexual transmission illnesses (STI), hepatitis and tuberculosis.
     Bernardo Salvadore, responsible for Control Program of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Illnesses of Santa Fe province, also participated in the meeting.
     Throughout the meeting, they exchanged information of both institutions and then they explored the facilities and the new building for research and development of drugs to treat patients with tuberculosis illness.
     Through this project LIF is going to research and develop four medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis:
-Rifampicin + Isoniazid + Pyrazinamide (triple association).
- Ethambutol.
- Rifampin + Isoniazid (double association).
- Isoniazid.
     National civil servants gave LIF’s Directors a list of medicines which presents problems to access by the last tender of the National Health Ministry.

*ETS: Enfermedades de transmisión sexual - Sexual transmission illnesses (STI)

Meeting at Health Committee in the Lower House of National Congress

It was organized by Health Committee to treat projects about public production of medicines. LIF’s Directors delivered a lecture.
     Diego Bruno, Jorge Stettler and Guillermo Cleti participated in the meeting organized by Health Committee belonging to the Lower House of the National Congress.
     The main objectives of this meeting were: to exchange information and to treat projects about public production of medicines in the short and medium term.
     The meeting took place on April, 25th at Lower House - Annex Building A.
     The Lawmakers Carolina Gaillard (Health Committee’s President), Berta Arenas and Jorge Franco welcomed the attendees and coordinated the activity.
     LIF’s Directors delivered a lecture about the important experience in public production of medicines in Santa Fe, since 1947.
     “We represent the province (Santa Fe) where public production of medicines is a state policy. We are an important referent in this topic. We consider the medicines such a common good and we think all people must access to medicines in time and without cost. In Santa Fe province there are three public laboratories with national approval by ANMAT: LIF, LEM(1) and the Planta Piloto of UNR(2). This is unique in Argentina”, expressed Guillermo Cleti.
     The advance in the new building to research and develop tuberculosis’ medicines, production of orphan drugs and the delivery of medicines to National Health Ministry were other topics expressed by LIF’s Directors.
     Hermes Binner (Santa Fe’s Lawmaker), Adolfo Sánchez de León (ANLAP*’s President); other lawmakers from different parties; representatives from: Laboratorio PROZOME (Río Negro province), Laboratorio de Hemoderivados (National University of Córdoba), Instituto Biológico Tomás Perón, UPM - La Plata(1) and Talleres Protegidos (Autonomous City of Buenos Aires) also participated in the meeting.

LIF’s important numbers:
- Since 2008, LIF has delivered more than 150 million of tablets of different medicines for national programs.
- Since 2014, LIF has delivered more than 1 million of tablets of methadone and morphine for National Institute of Cancer.

(*) ANLAP: Agencia Nacional de Laboratorios Públicos - National Agency of public laboratories.
(1) LEM: Laboratorio de Especialidades Medicinales de la ciudad de Rosario.
(2) Planta Piloto - UNR: Test laboratory - Pharmacy School, National University of Rosario
(3) UPM: Unidad de Producción de Medicamentos de la facultad de Ciencias Exactas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Production of medicines of Exact Sciences School - National University of La Plata)

Meeting between public laboratories and the Health Ministry of Nation

LIF’s Directors attended a lecture where authorities of Health Ministry gave information about the Universal Coverage of Medicines. Joint venture and strengthening the first level of healthcare will be the main objectives. 

     LIF’s Directors: Diego Bruno, Carlos Arques and Guillermo Cleti participated in a meeting with different authorities of Health Ministry of Nation.
     This meeting took place on April, 19th, at the Health Ministry of Nation (HMN) headquarters (Authonomy City of Buenos Aires).
     Mario Sergio Kaler (Sub Secretary of Programs of Promotion, Prevention and Primary Healthcare of HMN); Adolfo Sánchez de León [ANLAP’s President(1)]; Gastón Morán (ANLAP’s Vice President) and Leandro De La Mota (General Coordinator of medicines - Health Universal Coverage) welcomed the attendees and coordinated the meeting.
     Laboratorios Puntanos (San Luis province), LEM SE (Rosario city); Laboratorio PROZOME (Río Negro province) and Laboratorio de Hemoderivados (National University of Córdoba) also participated.
     “Health Ministry needs to give coverage to different medicines which they were not offered in the last international tender. Therefore, we want to work with public laboratories to deliver this medicines to more than 8000 health centres around the country”, expressed Mario Kaler.
     In a short time, public laboratories should send Health Ministry the offers with: medicines, quantities and date of supply.
     “Joint venture between Health Universal Coverage and ANLAP will promote the public production of medicines”, expressed Sanchez de León.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Health Minister of Santa Fe explored new building sites at LIF

Minister Gonzalez visited LIF. He had a meeting with LIF’s Board of Directors and explored the new building sites for drugstore, and also research and development area.


      Health Minister of Santa Fe Province and LIF’s President visited LIF where he explored the new building area for research and development. This project includes a new area where LIF will be able to develop and produce four medicines to treat patients with tuberculosis disease.
     The project will require the investment of more than $21 million (ARG) of which $9.4 million (ARG) will be contributed by National Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology through a FONARSEC* and the rest [$12.268.273,2.- (ARG)] will be contributed by LIF.
     Since 2014, new equipments and machines were incorporated for this project such as: FT NIR; weighing scales; HPLC; PH meter; polarimeter, titration equipment; two analytic shakers; film coating; blister-packed; mixer double cone; rotary tablet press machine and a metal detector for tablets. This required an investment of $7.915.970.- (ARG).

     The main objective of this project is that LIF will be able to develop and then produce four different medicines to treat patients with tuberculosis disease such as: Rifampicin + Isoniazid + Pyrazinamide (triple association); Ethambutol; Rifampin + Isoniazid (double association) and Isoniazid.

New building site for DIF.
     The new building site for storage was also explored by the group. This is a new site for DIF(1) area.
     After these activities LIF’s Board of Directors, General Manager, Trustee and Miguel Gonzalez had a meeting where they provided information about the production of metformin by the National Health Ministry. About that, LIF delivered in time 1.725.720 tablets of metformin of 10.100.100 tablets. This was the first delivery of six.
     Carlos Arques, Diego Bruno, Jorge Stettler and Guillermo Cleti (LIF’s Board of Directors); Guillermo Álvarez (LIF’s Trustee); Roberto Ganin (LIF’s General Manager) and Santiago Torales (Provincial Director of Quality and Sanitary Assessment) participated in these activities.

*FONARSEC: Fondo Argentino Sectorial. It is a financial instrument through which an institution can improve its capacity of production.
(1)DIF: Droguería Industrial Farmacéutica - Pharmaceutical Industry Drugstore.

José Natanson* visited LIF

The journalist and political scientist visited LIF. Meeting with LIF’s Board of Directors.

     The renowned Argentinian journalist José Natanson, Le Monde Diplomatique’s Director, visited LIF.
     Jorge Stettler, Diego Bruno, Guillermo Cleti and Carlos Arques (LIF’s Board of Directors); Guillermo Álvarez (Trustee) and Roberto Ganin (General Manager) welcomed Natanson and they shared information about the history, the present and the future of LIF.
     The public production of medicines for Santa Fe’s healthcare system and other different jurisdictions (such as the National Government); the production of orphan and critical drugs; the relationship with the technology and scientist world; the investment in building, equipment and staff training were some topics informed to the visitor.
     After meeting, the LIF’s facilities were visited by everybody.

*José Natanson
journalist and political scientist, he worked as writer and columnist at Página/12.

Usual collaborator for different national and Latin America media.
He led programs on radio and TV. He was editorial office’s boss in New Society newspaper.
He was PNUD advisor. His last book is called: "La nueva izquierda. Triunfos y derrotas de los gobiernos de Argentina. Venezuela, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Brasil y Ecuador", Debate-Random House Mondadori (2007).

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

LIF and CONICET* will work different activities together

Carlos Arques, Diego Bruno and Guillermo Cleti (LIF’s Directors), received Ulises Sedran (CONICET’s Director) and Melisa Bertero (Member of the Investigation Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry - CONICET).
     In this meeting, they talked about the development and validation of technical analysis for new drugs.
     Both institutions will sign an agreement to progress in these activities.
     CONICET will contribute with equipment, facilities, experience and staff while LIF will contribute with raw material, chemical elements and staff.
     Guillermo Álvarez (LIF’s Trustee) and Roberto Ganin (General Manager) also participated in the meeting.
     Since 2009, LIF and CONICET are members of “Provincial Network for Production, Research and Pharmaceutical Technology”. This network has as main objectives: to coordinate the public production of medicines and to promote innovation and research.

*CONICET: Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - National Committee of Scientific and Technical Research.

Meeting at ANLAP

Diego Bruno and Jorge Stettler, participated in a meeting at ANLAP*. They were received by Alfonso Sánchez de León (ANLAP’s President).
     In this meeting LIF’s Directors could meet the new ANLAP’s authorities and informed them of the different activities and projects that LIF has been making in the last couple of years such as production of different medicines for National Health Ministry and production of opioids for INC(1).
     María Fernanda Pesado (LEM’s Director) and Martín Grigioni (Member of Health Secretary of Rosario city) also participated in the meeting.
     Sánchez de León informed that ANLAP’s budget for this year will be of $85.000.000 (ARG). Then, he expressed that in 2017 the National Health Ministry will finish the delivery of medicines through CUM(2) and this activity will be made by different provinces.
     Finally, he said that March might be the time for the first meeting of the ANLAP’s Executive Committee (LIF is one of the members of this Committee).

(*) ANLAP: Agencia Nacional de Laboratorios Públicos - National Agency of Public Laboratories.
(1)INC: Instituto Nacional del Cáncer - National Cancer Institute.
(2) CUM: cobertura universal de medicamentos - Medicines Universal Coverage.