Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hospital de Niños “Dr. Orlando Alassia” visited LIF

The main authorities and staff members of the Hospital de Niños “Dr. Orlando Alassia” visited LIF where they met with LIF’s Directors and Managers.

This Hospital is the only public children’s hospital, and it was founded in Santa Fe city in 1999 .

The delegation led by Marta Raquel Cociglio (Executive Medical Director) and Silvina Pirola (President of the Administration Council) included physicians, nurses and administration staff.

The different production areas were shown to the visitors across a tour led by LIF’s Managers.Finally, both parties shared experiences and exchanged information in a meeting held in the multiple use room.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Production of Morphine

    LIF will produce morphine tablets for Santa Fe province.

    Morphine is an opioid analgesic, which it is the prototype and the most important drug used in the treatment of cancer pain. 
    Pain is a very frequent problem in patients with cancer, with a prevalence of 90%. 
    Through correct pharmacologic treatment the pain can be relieved. 
    Also, Instituto Nacional de Cáncer and the Programa Nacional de Producción Pública de Medicamentos would be interested in delivering LIF Morphine across the country. 
    LIF will start the presentation at Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT) to reach the Morphine national certificate. 

LIF Morphine in Santa Fe 

    In 2005, LIF produced only one batch of Morphine 10 mg and 20 mg tablets, which the Health Ministry delivered at the public hospitals. This production was a first test to give oral treatment to the patients with cancer. 
    Also, LIF produced Morphine 1% injections but since 2011 the Health Ministry of Santa Fe has bought this medicine through PNUD (Programa de las Naciones Unidas en Desarrollo).