Friday, August 24, 2018

LIF Is Already Providing Medicines for TB Treatments

Medicines for tuberculosis (TB) treatments were developed and produced in the new LIF’s area. Santa Fe is pioneer in this field and could solve the lack of medicines through their public production.

Few months after the inauguration of the new developed and production area, LIF has started producing medicines for tuberculosis (TB) treatments.

In the last two months, LIF has provided Santa Fe’s healthcare public system with 90.000 tablets of three drugs such as: Isoniazid 100 mg, Isoniazid 300 mg and Ethambutol 400 mg.

TB drugs are often provided by the National Health Ministry, but this activity was discontinued in the last months due to different issues in the last tender.

Santa Fe province could guarantee the access to the medicines for the patients through their public production.

“Today, LIF’s TB drugs production is a solution for Santa Fe province, but we will reach the national approval by ANMAT* and therefore we could have these drugs available for other provinces”, expressed Guillermo Cleti.

Rifampicin + Isoniazid (double combined tablet) and Rifampicin + Isoniazid + Pyrazinamide (triple combined tablet) are being processed by the typical stability studies. In view of this, the combined tablets will probably be available in the next year.

TB drugs production is an important progress for LIF, as well as an example of why it is necessary that the State has a tool like public production, and consequently gives a solution for the population so that they can access medicines.

*ANMAT: Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica. (National Regulatory Agency for medicines, food and medical devices).

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Students of “Antonia María Verna" School Visited LIF

More than 100 students visited LIF. They received information about public production of medicines and explored the facilities.
During June, 101 students of 5th year of the “Antonia María Verna" school attended LIF. They received information about public production of medicines, quality control, financing and human resources management through different lectures.
This school has three different specialisations, such as: economy, natural sciences and human studies. After the lectures, they went around LIF’s facilities.