Members of LIF-UNL(1) Consortium (LUC) had a meeting which took place at the LIF’s multiple use room (MUR).
LIF- UNL Consortium is an associative consortium between two public institutions through which the public production of medicines (LIF) take the knowledge from the national technological scientific system (UNL).
The people present shared a breakfast meeting in which Carlos Arques (LIF’s Director) and Daniel Scacchi (CETRI - LITORAL* Director) gave a lecture about the main objectives of the consortium and the next actions to follow in relation with the FONARSEC Project.
LUC presented a project at the MINCyT(1) to get a FONARSEC (2) for the research, development and production of medicines.
FONARSEC is a financial instrument through which LIF might be able to get funds to improve its capacity of production.
The main objective is firstly, to develop know how and finally, to produce medicines to be used in patients with tuberculosis.
Thus, LIF will be able to produce four different medicines such as:
- Rifampicin + Isoniazid + Pyrazinamide (triple association).
- Ethambutol.
- Rifampin + Isoniazid (double association).
- Isoniazid.
LIF’s Boards of Directors and Managers participated in this activity as well as Authorities and Staff Members of FIQ - UNL(4) and FByCSB - UNL(5).
After the meeting, the different areas (production, quality control and storage) were shown to the visitors. And then, all of the participants shared / had a lunch at the MUR.
(*) CETRI – LITORAL: Centro para la Transferencia de los Resultados de la Investigación
(1) UNL: Universidad Nacional del Litoral
(2) MINCyT: Ministerio de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología.
(3) FONARSEC: Fondo Argentino Sectorial.
(4) FIQ - UNL: Facultad de Ingeniería Química – Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
(5) FByCSB - UNL: Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas de la UNL.