Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Meeting at the Health Ministry of Mendoza Province

LIF’s and LEM’s members participated in a meeting with Health Ministry’s civil servants from Mendoza province. They progressed in reaching an agreement.

     LIF’s Directors: Carlos Arques, Diego Bruno and César Daniel Salomón had a meeting with Oscar Zagas, Health Sub Secretary.
     In this meeting also participated Cecilia Orueta, Pharmacy Director; Viviana Yuvel, Administration Director; Marité Miranda y Andrea Silva, Pharmacology Direction’s members; Cecilia Cejas, Planning Department Director and Marcelo Rujana, LEM’s Administration.
     They talked about an agreement of mutual collaboration and assistance in the production of medicines between Mendoza and Santa Fe.
     Mendoza’s Health Ministry had a project to produce medicines through a public laboratory (LAPROMED*). This laboratory might start working in 2017. LIF and LEM(+) could an important participation such as advisors.
     Finally, LIF and LEM members offered their medicine portfolio to provide in public healthcare centers of Mendoza.

(+)LEM: Laboratorio de Especialidades Medicinales de la Municipalidad de Rosario - Medicines Specialties Laboratory of Rosario’s Municipality.
*LAPROMED: public laboratory of medicines from Mendoza province.

New Administration Area’s opening ceremony

     Carlos Fascendini (Santa Fe’s Vice Governor) and Miguel González (Santa Fe’s Health Minister) participated at the open ceremony of the new building of LIF’s Administration Area.
     The meeting took place at the LIF’s headquarters where Eduardo Matozo (Santa Fe’s Science and Technology Minister); LIF’s Board of Directors: Carlos Arques, Guillermo Cleti, Diego Bruno and  Daniel Salomón; Roberto Ganin (LIF’s General Manager); Carlos Minatti (LIF’s Trustee) also attended.
     This first stage started in 2014 and it required $10 million (ARG). The building has 400 square meter and twenty two job positions.
     The second stage will start in October when LIF will request a new bidding to build the top floor sector where there will be more offices.
Budget of Santa Fe province and National Government.
     For this building LIF invested $10 million (ARG) of which $3 million were contributed by National Government through an agreement between LIF and National Institute of Cancer. Due to this, LIF researched, produced and delivered methadone and morphine tablets in different hospitals.
     Methadone and morphine are drugs for pain treatment in patients with active, progressive and advanced diseases.

LIF participated in the IV CLAMME

     LIF participated in the IV “Congreso Latinoamericano de Microbiologìa de Medicamentos y Cosméticos” (CLAMME). 
     It took place in Rosario.
Biochemist Lisandro Zili gave a lecture on Public Production of Medicines.
     First, Zili presented the idea that The State must act as guarantee to the access to health; second, he also claimed that citizens must be granted medicines as a social right; third he stated that Management must be transparent. Last, technological innovations and new challenges were also some topics explained by Zili.
     Finally, he finished the lecture speaking about quality control and microbiology techniques.

Lecture in Ramos Mejía

     On October 14th LIF’s Directors Carlos Arques and César Daniel Salomón attended to a meeting organized by the Directive Committee of the “Casa de Auxilio de Ramos Mejía”.
     Arques and Salomón give a lecture on Santa Fe´s Health Public System and present and future history of the public production of medicines.
Antonio Bonfatti, Chamber of Deputies’ President of Santa Fe, also participated and gave a lecture in the meeting.
     “Casa de Auxilio de Ramos Mejía” is a non governmental organisation (NGO) that does not receive any state and private subsidy. It works in collaboration with the neighbours and due to this they can invest in buildings and new equipments for healthcare.