Monday, March 25, 2019

PAHO’s Representative Visited LIF

They exchanged institutional information and analysed the possibility that, in the future, LIF would be able to provide medicines through the PAHO Revolving Fund. 

LIF’s Board of Directors received Dr. Javier Uribe Echeverri, International Advisor, Health Services and Systems of Pan American Health Organization/ World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO).

During the meeting, they exchanged institutional information and analysed the possibility that, in the future, LIF would be able to provide medicines through the PAHO Revolving Fund.

“Through the fund, Member States pool their national resources to procure high-quality life-saving vaccines and related products at the lowest price," expressed Dr. Uribe.


Thursday, March 21, 2019

Agreement Between LIF and FByCSB - UNL

Through this agreement students will do professional practices at LIF.
This agreement expects that FByCSB will be able to do professional practices at LIF under supervision of both institutions.

The deal includes students who want to get the degree as postgraduates.

The main objective is to promote the training and the continuing education of human resources.

Adriana Ortolani (Dean of FByCSB*), Guillermo Ramos (Academic Secretary - FByCSB); Diego Bruno (LIF Director); Silvina Mugni (Quality Control Manager - LIF) and Sebastián Macies (Person in Charge of Academic Relations - LIF) were present in the meeting.

* FByCSB - UNL: Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas de la UNL.