Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pharmacists from Rosario Region and staff members of the Hospital de Cañada de Gomez visited LIF

     On September 24th, pharmacists from different hospitals of Rosario Region and staff members of the Hospital de Cañada de Gomez visited LIF.
     Emiliano Arzuaga (Administration Secretary - Health Ministry of Santa Fe) was also present in this meeting.
     First, LIF’s Board of Directors welcomed the visitors at the multiple use room where they watched the LIF’s institutional video.
     Then, Claudio Casals (Production Manager) gave a lecture about “LIF’s Management Model” and then Silvina Mugni (Quality Control Manager) talked about “Quality of Medicines”.
     After this meeting, the different areas (production, quality control and storage) were shown to the visitors.
     Silvina Mugni, Mariano Rafaghelli (Technical Area), Rosana Mandrile (Co Technical Director) and Leandro Degreff (Storage Manager) led this activity.

Finally, all of them shared a lunch where they exchanged their different work experiences in health.

LIF participated in the 6th Provincial Lecture of Nursing

     Nurses from across Santa Fe province attended the 6th Provincial Lecture in which the main topic was “Mental Health”.
     The lecture was organized by UPCN* and took place on September 9th, 10th and 11th at the UPCN’s country club.
     Miguel Gonzalez (Health Secretary), Melisa Pianetti (Mental Health Director of Santa Fe), César Colliard (Health Responsible of UPCN) and Mercedes Landaia (Nursing Chief of Santa Fe) opened the lecture and welcomed the attendees.

     Diego Bruno (LIF Director) and Carlos Minatti (LIF Trustee) attended the inaugural meeting.
     LIF was present with a stand where LIF’s staff members gave information about public production of medicines and answered questions to the visitors.

UPCN* (Unión Personal Civil de la Nación): it is the labor union for provincial employees.

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Health Secretary of Santa Fe city visited LIF

La Secretaria de Salud de la Municipalidad de Santa Fe visitó el LIF
     Lic. María Natalia Zehnder (Health Secretary of Santa Fe city) together with Dra. Belén Moras and Lic. Ricardo Rojas (cabinet members) visited LIF.
     Diego Bruno, Guillermo Cleti and Daniel Salomón (LIF’s Directors) welcomed the visitors and had a meeting.
     Health Promotion and Prevention of diseases in the different life cycles of the population were some items explained by Natalia Zehnder during the meeting.
     LIF’s Directors gave information about the different ongoing projects such as production of biosimilar medicines, morphine and methadone production to use in the treatment of cancer pain, and research and development of medicines for patients with tuberculosis disease.
     Carlos Minatti, (LIF’s Trustee), Roberto Ganin (General Manager) and Sebastián Reimondo (responsible for Validation Area of Analytic Techniques at LIF) also participated in the meeting.
     After the meeting, all of them visited the different areas.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lecture at the UBA Law School

     Guillermo Cleti and Daniel Salomón (LIF’s Directors) participated in the lecture “Medication as social good” being organized by Observatorio de Salud and el Seminario de Investigaciones en Derecho y Salud del Instituto Gioja.
     The lecture took place in the UBA* Law School in Buenos Aires city.
     Lic. Marta Spinetto (Director of risk control and management - INAME - ANMAT), Dr. Juan Carlos Fernández (Director of Evaluation and Register of Medicines - INAME - ANMAT) and Dr. Jorge Rachid (Laboratorio de las Fuerzas Armadas’ Director) also participated in the lecture.
     Cleti and Salomón talked about the public production of medicines in the national context (PPM), current legislation, PPM’s main objectives, production costs; price fixing and management of a public company.
     Diego Bruno (LIF’s Director) also attended the lecture.