Tuesday, May 10, 2016

International referents visited LIF

International referents from Ecuador, México, Brasil, Colombia, Chile and España visited LIF.

     The International Relations Secretary of Santa Fe province, organized this activity in which different international referents visited LIF.
     Cecilia Chacon Castillo (“Viceprefecta del gobierno provincial de Tungurahua - Ecuador”), Amalia Garcia Medina (“Secretaria de Trabajo y Fomento del Empleo - México DF”); Darlene Testa (“Responsable de la Agenda Municipal de Trabajo Decente - San Pablo, Brasil”); Cristhian Ortega (“Consultor - Colombia”); Luis Riffo (ILPES CEPAL - Chile); Lina Gast (“Referente de Red Ciudades y Gobiernos Locales Unidos - Barcelona, España”) were received by Diego Bruno (LIF’s Director), Roberto Ganín (General Manager) and Carlos Minatti (LIF’s Trustee).
     During the meeting, the visitors watched an institutional video and then they received information about public production of medicines.
     After that, they visited the LIF’s facilities.

The Health Minister led the 17ª Annual General Meeting

On Wednesday the 27th, Miguel González (Health Minister of Santa Fe and President of LIF’s Executive Committee) led the Annual General Meeting at LIF.


     Matìas Drivet (Legal Adviser of the Health Ministry) participated as a Government Representative.
     LIF’s Board of Directors Guillermo Cleti, Diego Bruno, Daniel Salomón and Carlos Arques participated in the meeting in which the annual report and financial statement for 2015 were approved.
     Carlos Minatti (LIF’s Trustee) and Roberto Ganin (General Manager) also attended the meeting.
     During the meeting, LIF’s Board of Directors presented the annual balance sheet, the inventory, the memory and the income statement for the period expired on December 31, 2015.
     Also, the management and fees of Board of Directors and Trustee; the investment annual programme; the policies of production, commercialization and research of the Society were approved.

The Health Committee of the Lower House, visited LIF

The Health Committee of the Lower House of Santa Fe province, visited LIF’s facilities and had a meeting with the Directors.

     LIF’s Directors: Diego Bruno, César Daniel Salomón and Guillermo Cleti welcomed the Health Committee’s members, Estela Maris Yaccuzzi, Patricia Guadalupe Chialvo, Raúl Augusto Fernández, Silvia Augsburger and Patricia Norma Tepp.
     Elvia Gómez (Medicines Network and Pharmaceutical Technology’s Director), Carlos Minatti (LIF’s Trustee) and Roberto Ganin (LIF’s General Manager) also participated in the meeting.
     First, the deputies had a meeting with the LIF’s Directors in which they received information about the different projects and watched an institutional video.
     Then, the members of the Committee and their advisors visited the LIF’s facilities such as production, quality control and storage.
     “We feel a great satisfaction when we receive visitors like you. LIF is an important tool for the public healthcare system in Santa Fe, through which the population can access to the medicines. It is essential for us to inform about our projects every time”, expressed Guillermo Cleti.
     “Since 65 years ago, LIF has produced medicines for Santa Fe. Since 2008, LIF has produced medicines for the whole Argentina. On the other hand, LIF has produced for a million people or for one with the same quality . These are our strengths”, said Daniel Salomón.
     “Today, we are more than a 100 people at LIF. In the last 8 years, LIF has produced more than 450 million pharmaceutical units (PU) for primary healthcare system of Santa Fe province and more than 150 million PU for the Health Ministry of the National Government. We want to maintain these numbers in the future and even to improve them”, said Diego Bruno.