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On October 28th, pharmacist from Nodo Rosario visited LIF.
First, Guillermo Cleti and Diego Bruno (LIF’s Directors) welcomed the visitors.
Then, Claudio Casals (Production Manager) gave a lecture about “LIF’s Management Model” and then Silvina Mugni (Quality Control Manager) talked about “Quality of Medicines”.
After this meeting, the different areas (production, quality control and storage) were shown to the visitors.
Viviana Mahieu, María Alejandra García Álvarez, Analía Bo and María Alejandra Martoglia (Pharmacy Inspection of Santa Fe - 2nd Division), Alejandra Elizalde (Technical Director - Hospital de Emergencias Clemente Álvarez), Sergio Torrisi (Technical Director - HEEP*) and Yamila García (Pharmacist HEEP*) participated in this activity.
HEEP*: Hospital Escuela Eva Perón de Baigorria
LIF delivered Methadone 5 mg and 10 mg tablets in five Public Hospitals in Rosario.
These hospitals: Int. Gabriel Carrasco, Roque Saenz Peña, Juan B. Alberdi, de Niños Víctor J. Vilela and Centro de Especialidades Médicas Ambulatorias (CEMAR) are part of the Pilot Program to provide drugs for pain treatment in patients with active, progressive and advanced diseases.
This Pilot Program was organized by the National Institute of Cancer (Health Ministry of the National Government).
This program’s main objective is to provide medicines in different hospitals where people under pain therapy receive attention.
In 2013, LIF and the National Institute signed an agreement of Collaboration and Mutual Assistance.
Through this agreement LIF has researched and developed morphine 10 mg, methadone 5mg and 10 mg tablets to provide them in ten hospitals.
After this first experience in Rosario, the next step to LIF is to deliver these drugs in other hospitals under the Pilot Program such as: Gastroenterología B. Udaondo, General de Agudos Dr. Tornu, Instituto de Oncología Ángel Roffo, Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas Alfredo Lanari and Dr. Baldomero Sommer.
LIF’s Directors, Santa Fe’s Town Hall civil servants, private business owners and UNL’s scientists participated in the Mission. It took place in Poitiers and París. There was a meeting at Argentina’s Embassy.
The Mission took place from October 6th to 10th in Poitiers and París (France).
César Daniel Salomón and Diego Bruno (LIF’s Directors) attended the French and Argentine Mission of Collaboration and Assistance in Biotechnology. They had a schedule of meeting with researchers from Poitiers University and members of different biotechnology companies.
On October 6th, Mission’s members had a meeting at Argentina’s Embassy in France.
María del Carmen Squeff (Argentina’s Ambassador in France) received the visitors. After the meeting, all of them shared a lunch.
Carlos Pereira, (Government Secretary of Santa Fe city); Simón González, (Foreign Trade Agency of Santa Fe city); Javier Lotterberger, (Dean of FByCSB*); Daniel Scacchi (CETRI - LITORAL** Director); Verónica Godoy (CETRI-LITORAL Member); Marcelo Murguía, (Researcher of FByCSB*); Hugo Ortega, [Member of CCM(2) - UNL]; Juan Manuel Peralta (Lipomize S.R.L) and Guillermina Forno (Zelltek S.A.) also attended in the Mission.
Finally on October 10th, Mission’s members had a meeting with Alain Claeyes (Poitiers’ Mayor); Yves Jean (Dean of Poitiers University); Mustapha Belgsir (Grand Poitiers’ President) and María del Carmen Squeff (Argentina’s Ambassador in France).
(*) FByCSB - UNL: Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas de la UNL.
(**) CETRI – LITORAL: Centro para la Transferencia de los Resultados de la Investigación.
(1) UNL: Universidad Nacional del Litoral - National Univrsity of Litoral.
(2) CCM: Center for Comparative Medicine of UNL.
A students’ delegation of Chemical, Industrial and Computer Engineering participated in this activity.
First, Roberto Ganin (LIF’s General Manager) welcomed the visitors at the multiple uses room (MUR) where they watched the institutional video.
Then, Claudio Casals (LIF’s Production Manager) gave a lecture about management and Silvina Mugni (Quality Control Manager) talked about quality of medicines.
After this meeting, the different areas (production, quality and storage) were shown to the visitors.
Finally, all of them shared a lunch in the MUR.
César Daniel Salomón (LIF’s Director) and Germán Humoller (LIF’s Responsible Business Area) participated in this activity.
The lecture took place on September 23rd and 24th at the Auditorium of Economic College of UNL*.
It was organized by the Student Union and CEMUPRO (1).
LIF’s members talked about: “The experience of a state company in a dynamic economy”.
*UNL: Universidad Nacional del Litoral - National University of the Litoral.
1) CEMUPRO: Centro de Estudios Municipales y Provinciales.
LIF’s Board of Directors had a meeting with Santa Fe’s Governor, Dr. Antonio Bonfatti.
The meeting took place in the Government House in Santa Fe.
Dr. Mario Drisun (Health Minister and LIF’s Chairman); Carlos Fernández (Finance Secretary), Carlos Arques, César Salomón, Diego Bruno andGuillermo Cleti (LIF´s Board of Directors), Carlos Minatti (LIF’s Trustee) and Roberto Ganin (LIF’s General Manager) participated in the activity.
First, topics about public production of medicines were treated. Then, all the present analysed different financial tools to build the new LIF’s Production Site. This project is an old wish for LIF’s members.
At the beginning, this includes the building of two production areas, a storage area, an administration area and a dressing room.
The new laboratory will be built in a land located in Santo Tome city near the Santa Fe - Rosario highway.