Monday, March 23, 2015

LIF continues producing medicines for REMEDIAR Program

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     Since 2008 LIF has produced medicines for REMEDIAR Program*. This has been a positive impact for LIF who has been able to expand its horizons.
     Until 2008, LIF only delivered its medicine to Santa Fe province. But in that year LIF met the GMP requirements of ANMAT and was able to produce medicines for other provinces, cities and the National Government.
     These productions were a great opportunity for LIF. The money earned from these sales were invested on building, new technology and staff training.
     In 2014 LIF produced more than 46 million of tablets for REMEDIAR.
     Since 2008 LIF has delivered more than 100 million of pharmacology units (tablets and bottles) to the National Government.
     Cefalexin, Amoxicillin, Paracetamol,Glibenclamide, Metformin, Enalapril and Simvastatin are some medicines produced by LIF..
     Now LIF continues producing medicines for REMEDIAR.
     This year, LIF is going to deliver 14 million medicines between January and June 2015.

* REMEDIAR Program is a national program that provides medicines to almost 7000 CAPS (Primary Health Centres) of Argentina

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

LIF incorporated new machinery for packaging process

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     LIF incorporated new machinery to print information on its packaging.
     Lixis PVS Pharmaceutical Packaging Control is going to allow LIF to make coding operations in the secondary packaging of medicines.
     Thus, LIF is going to be able to encode data traceability in the goods throughout the distribution chain (laboratories, drugstores, pharmacies and patients).
     Lixis PVS is going to be able to print the data in the secondary packaging like standard formats and and 2D Datamatrix codes (GTIN bar code, batch numbers, set and expiry date).
     This operation is going to allow LIF to identify individually each unit and to know its history.

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     Apart from that, through this process LIF is going to be able to meet the requirements of the Disposición ANMAT Nº 3683/2001.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

LIF might build its new laboratory

     LIF might build a new laboratory in Santo Tomé city.
     Santo Tomé is a city located only 9 km from Santa Fe city where LIF is the owner of eleven hectares of land.
     LIF made a FONDEAR* loan from the Ministry of Economy of the National Government to carry out this project.
     The Ministry of Economy of the National Government gives these loans to the companies and Nación Fideicomiso SA is responsible for its administration.
     At the beginning, the project has a budget of 140 millions (ARG) for building, equipment and machinery. Twenty percent will be contributed by Santa Fe Government.
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     The building will have a roofed area of 3013 square meters and will include: one production plant with two main segregated areas to reduce cross contamination, reception room, basic supplies storage, finished products storage, administration room, general dressing room, staff canteen and liquid effluent treatment plant.
     Today, LIF produces 100 millions of pharmacology units (PU) per year. Through this project, LIF might reach the 400 millions of PU per year.
     In one production area LIF will be able to produce hormonal tablets and common tablets in the other area.
     “This project will allow us to update our infrastructure and to reach higher production volumes” said Guillermo Cleti, (LIF’s Director).

*FONDEAR: Fondo Económico Argentino.