Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Meeting between public laboratories and the Health Ministry of Nation

LIF’s Directors attended a lecture where authorities of Health Ministry gave information about the Universal Coverage of Medicines. Joint venture and strengthening the first level of healthcare will be the main objectives. 

     LIF’s Directors: Diego Bruno, Carlos Arques and Guillermo Cleti participated in a meeting with different authorities of Health Ministry of Nation.
     This meeting took place on April, 19th, at the Health Ministry of Nation (HMN) headquarters (Authonomy City of Buenos Aires).
     Mario Sergio Kaler (Sub Secretary of Programs of Promotion, Prevention and Primary Healthcare of HMN); Adolfo Sánchez de León [ANLAP’s President(1)]; Gastón Morán (ANLAP’s Vice President) and Leandro De La Mota (General Coordinator of medicines - Health Universal Coverage) welcomed the attendees and coordinated the meeting.
     Laboratorios Puntanos (San Luis province), LEM SE (Rosario city); Laboratorio PROZOME (Río Negro province) and Laboratorio de Hemoderivados (National University of Córdoba) also participated.
     “Health Ministry needs to give coverage to different medicines which they were not offered in the last international tender. Therefore, we want to work with public laboratories to deliver this medicines to more than 8000 health centres around the country”, expressed Mario Kaler.
     In a short time, public laboratories should send Health Ministry the offers with: medicines, quantities and date of supply.
     “Joint venture between Health Universal Coverage and ANLAP will promote the public production of medicines”, expressed Sanchez de León.

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